
p (818)465.3700

“Form follows function”…”Functions follows form”…These are the questions and answers that have perplexed and occupied the thoughts of Architects since the beginning of the profession, designing of spaces & building structures…


Which one is right? Both…depending on the project…the job conditions…the jobsite…and, most importantly, the client’s needs & desires...all dictate the optimal solution to any given project. A good Architect sifts through all the data to come up with the optimal solution.


Hacker Architectural Group takes pride in providing that to our clients and enhancing the three dimensional field of space that we all occupy…


Curtis Hacker,

Architect, Owner and CEO



4335 Van Nuys Blvd. Ste. 400 |  Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 | p: 818.465.3700 | m: 818.481.2255 | f: 818.514.6976